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Monday, December 3, 2018

Review on " PS. I still love you " by Jenny Han

Book review on " PS. I still love you " by Jenny Han. 

Partially in love. Partially maintained. 
So many emotions lost and gained.

I thought it was easy to fall in love.

Slightly like a swim, for a lazy dove.
Tightly bonded, like bricks high above.
It seemed that easy, yet it was that tough.
Like a rope. Letting go cause lesser pain.
Love is magical, yet partially insane.

Living all our lives desperately wanna gain.
Old love, new one even both in a campaign. 
Very hard to tell. Am I bad or just a plain,
Eager teen. Wanna fall in love again.

You are the one? for me? I am not sure.
Or am I even? Your only one and cure?
Unmaintained love, but love, for sure.

Hello again, everyone. Welcome to a new book review or shall I say life journey.

Cause books are my life, with every book comes a whole new journey, and here's my latest one.

  • I thought  letting go was all about cheaters and bad romance, I thought it was a big ugly bubble of tears over a boy,  but man! I was dead wrong. Letting go is like a ship. It takes time, patience, efficiency and one hell of a sailor to sail in an angry sea. Let alone that sailor is just a seventeen-year-old teen.

  • Letting go was never about a person, it's always about a concept. An idea. A belief. An attraction. An obsession. It's all about us. 

" when we let go, we not only letting go of a person, we let go the concept that made us with that person...we let go of a part of us as well"

  • We let go of the anger, hate, hurt and despair, it ain't about a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's all about us.


  • You know that feeling when you hate something you used to love so much, just from the continuity and repetition of it. From your first day to your last you hear the word love on daily basis. Like EVERYWHERE. We want so much to feel loved and cherished. The sole purpose of our lives is finding that amazing soulmate that is born just to complete us.

"We become so overwhelmed with the concept of love before even knowing what it really is" 

Well, Imagine all of that happened to a seventeen-year-old Asian Petite Lara Jean.

Or you can spare the imagination part and go read the book😍😍

P.S I still love you by Jenny Han You can check here website here

Oh! By the way This is my Review of the Month for the review collection on


  1. This could be good for my oldest who has trouble letting go of boyfriends.

  2. I keep seeing this one popping up - thanx for the review!

  3. I love what you did with the title - how clever! I loved this series, so cute and I actually loved how they translated it into a movie. Yay for a second movie!!!

  4. I love the title poem. Thanks for sharing.
    Gemma @

  5. I have heard nothing but good things about this series.

  6. Lovely review and a great poem. Thanks for sharing :-)

  7. I loved this entire series and can't wait for the second movie to come out! Lara Jean is one of my favorite contemporary characters of all time.

  8. Love this review, the poem was so nice. I still haven't read this book but I really need to.

  9. Omg love that poem gurl! I haven't even read the first book yet but I've watched the movie and I really liked it. ❤

  10. Great review and great poem I haven't read this book series yet but I hope I can check it out next year from the library. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  11. Every relationship has times where things aren't going real well, including a dating relationship. Sometimes this means that the boyfriend isn't hanging around as much as usual, causing some concern about whether there's a need to "win him back." One possible way to do is writing a letter to your boyfriend. Does it make sense? letting go letter to ex boyfriend
