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Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Review on "The Hate you give by Angie Thomas "

I am lost...And found..
Happy.....And sad.
It's alright.
At least...I am alive.
Am I ?
I am not
Am I ??
I am not.

I am not alive. You know why? Cause what makes me alive is my voice and I have none.

I have no voice.
I don't scream... I cry.
I done argue... I stay quiet.
I don't fight.... I surrender.
I push and push and push the anger aside but never goes away.

It keeps hanging above my head waiting to go off any second.
And it goes off eventually. It blows in your face and kills you.

The hate you give little infants f***s everybody.

you better get it better stand better better say the better not let hate controls you. You better not let anger plays you. You better not let fear imprison you.

As when it does...things gonna get bad...way Bad.

Just Read the Hate you give by Angie Thomas..and you will know what I am talking about.

I really hope you like This review. I know this not your typical review posts. I know There are way better reviews. But I don't do this for professionals. I try to be different. I try to be free-style writer. Shake some things up. Thanks, For your support and I would be very Happy to hear your opinions.

Khalil, I’ll never forget.
I’ll never give up.
I’ll never be quiet.
I promise.

Read "The hate you Give"'s worth it.


  1. I loved The Hate U Give and am excited for the film. You do have an interesting style of writing and I appreciate you sharing it with us. I think we should all be true to who we are! This post does evoke the feel of the book, so good job.

    1. Thank you so much for your great words and support. Me, too. I am so excited for the film ,too😍😍😍

  2. Agree, you need to read The Hate You Give, if you haven't already. It is worth you time.

  3. I have noticed lots of rave reviews for this one - yours is definitely unique

  4. This one is on my TBR. It sounds like an interesting read.

  5. I have seen a lot of positive reviews for this.
