We live in a real world, so realistic actually.
No miracles,No happy ever after ,nor prince charming or magic.
No miracles,No happy ever after ,nor prince charming or magic.
And definitely no super heros.
Strong men and women with super powers and incredible capabilities,fantastic speed, outstanding eyesight and balance. We look at them as they are GODS. We look at them as they are capable of anything and can do anything.
People say that superheroes don't exist, that they are a myth.
But I don't think so.
I believe in superheroes, maybe my version of superheroes is quite different than yours but still for me they are SUPERHEROES .
I believe in superheroes, maybe my version of superheroes is quite different than yours but still for me they are SUPERHEROES .
My superheros don't have fantastic powers or speed but they definitely more powerful than us. AT LEAST ME.
They can control me, mess with my brain, they can brainwash me, make me do what they want or in a more specific way.......FEEL WHAT THEY WANT.
I am talking about those who mess with our emotions...control them..you may don't feel it but actually they can play us just like a marionettist .
I am talking about the ones we love. The ones we bound to. Soulmates . It's doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. Any relationship. A partner. A lover. A friend. Any relationship that can bound you emotionally and change you.
A word. Just a word from them can make us sad..happy...laugh. ...cry or miserable. It's incredible how word could change you and control you so much ,yet it's not just a word.. it's a person.
A person can have the power to mess with someone's emotions, yet brain, yet decisions, yet actions.
See, that's the superpower I am talking about. But still the question is.
What makes us so weak?
What makes them so strong?
And how long will you be just a marionette in the hands of the marionettist? ?
What makes them so strong?
And how long will you be just a marionette in the hands of the marionettist? ?
An update: This is not a book review. It's just me trying to open up. I am sorry for the misunderstanding of my blog post. I know it looks a little bit creepy, But believe me this is the ugly truth. Manipulation has way different forms and shapes. When you spent all day thinking about a word said to you, instead of studing for finals. That's a manipulation. When you lose weight for someone, not your self. That's a manipulation. When you are so mad at some one and he says that you shouldn't be mad and blams you for it. That's a manipulation. But you know what??? You blam yourself and start to think that you did all that by your own free will. That's really the manipulation I am talking about. A brainwashed mind...sorry again for the misunderstanding . I hope you got it. But believe me I have been there and I know what I am talking about.