Flash in my eyes, forcing me to
Heaviness in my heart lasts for over a
Heaviness in my heart lasts for over a
Got nothing in here but a long useless
Got nothing in here but a long useless
Of damaged souls, all together in one body.
Of damaged souls, all together in one body.
No, not mine, but it always felt this
keeping a secret, it's ugliness made me stay.
Wanna run away with him, through a light ray.
How much more darkness can I keep at bay?
But here it comes, the hard equation.
How can I solve it, when love is the relation.
His lovely face could sacrifice what no nation,
Could sacrifice for millions, not just me. A patient.
keeping a secret, it's ugliness made me stay.
Wanna run away with him, through a light ray.
How much more darkness can I keep at bay?
But here it comes, the hard equation.
How can I solve it, when love is the relation.
His lovely face could sacrifice what no nation,
Could sacrifice for millions, not just me. A patient.
A patient with emotional abuse.
Hello again everyone, hope you liked my poem. Sorry, for making it so cryptic. Com'on guys don't look at me that way. I know you loved it😂😎, the harder it looks...the easier for you to get the true meaning of the book.
Cause books are Journeys and here's mine...
This is my review on " All the little lights " by Jamie Mcguire.
Or I would rather say, Journey. An emotional one.
- It's so hard to not know what to do. You spend your days trying to be good and happy.
But that's the sneaky part. You can't be good and happy at the same time.
" You keep asking your self. Why? Why you have to suffer. Why can't you be happy and at the same time do the right thing? "
Guess life is one hell of an equation and I am terrible at Maths.
The book is filled with ups and downs, a lot of ups actually. This sweet love story. It was so sweet that sometimes it didn't even seem true. But love here wasn't the problem or I would rather say Catherine's and Elliot's love wasn't the issue.
- Let me ask you something.
Have you ever felt angry towards someone (I bet you have)? What if that one is a beloved one? Like a friend, best friend, boyfriend, a family member.
A mother.
You are so angry and frustrated at that person (let's call him A), you kinda hate A for his actions, but at the same time, you love him. You can't imagine a life without him, you start to think that your responsibility to make things right. To make A right.
But A never changes. In fact, A knows quite well how much anger and despaired you feel. A knows how much you love him, so he keeps doing what he does. And you keep feeling Angry.
Then bad at yourself for being angry.
Then despaired.
That's called abuse.
Emotional abuse.
" Those people are raping you of your own right to feel angry, to make a change, to get over them. "
They are abusing you and they know damn well, that you love them.
So, you won't move on.
You won't leave them.
Cause if you did you will look like the devil who has been overrating and angry for nothing.
And they will be the perfect victim.
That's not all about the book.
The book is filled with love and sweetness, it might melt you.
But this is what really got me, what made this book worth reading.
Ooh, and the ending will be quite a surprise😎😉.
Thank you for reading, I know this is not your typical book review, but I am not a typical girl either.
Until the next book,